NAAC Peer’s Team Revisit for 3rd cycle of accreditation
International day of Yoga 2022
Inauguration of New Science Block by Honorable VC, Sambalpur UniversityEntrepreneurship Program by Honorable VC, Sambalpur UniversityPlantation ProgramPlantation Program
Inauguration of Vermi Compost UnitInauguration of Vermi Compost UnitTraining program on Vermi CompostTraining Program on Preparation of Phenyl
Observation of International Yoga on Dt. 21/06/2021NAAC Sponsored National Level Seminar on Dt 16/04/2021meetingNABCONS team under OHEPEE visited our college on dt.18.9.2020 and verified necessary documents for the year 2019-20 .